CSIR-NML (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Metallurgical Laboratory) is a premier research organization in India, dedicated to metallurgical and materials research. CSIR-NML has made significant contributions to coal and minerals research including characterization, beneficiation, and utilization. The conference will feature CSIR-NML's initiatives and innovations in coal and minerals research.

Conference Image

About the Conference

On the 75th anniversary of CSIR-NML, the conference aims to bring together experts, delegates, scholars, and industry stakeholders to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in coal and minerals characterization for sustainable utilization. With the growing civilization and industrial revolution, resources are being depleted. Hence, sustainable resource management and utilization are very much necessary for the betterment of us.

Contact Details

Dr. Sanchita Chakravarty, Chair Person
Email: sanchita@nml.res.in
Tel: +91-657-2345070
Dr. Rajen Kundu, Convener
Email: kundu.rajen@nml.res.in
Tel: +91-657-2345066
General Contact
Email: icmcs2025@gmail.com
Address: Analytical and Applied Chemistry Division,
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur- 831007, India
Organized by Analytical and Applied Chemistry Division CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India, 831007